Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Why is it that...?

Some gentle Tuesday musings on life - from me. With love and wondering...
Why is it that being out in the beach air makes you sleep so well?

Why is it that some mothers are so competitive about their children's abilities and some just aren't?

Why is it that my house fill ups with paper each and every day? Do I need to stop my postman from delivering?

Why is it that I have all the best intentions of doing my ironing/sorting that cupboard/cooking a batch of lasagne at mid-day and then by 8pm I have lost all impetus?

Why is it that my lipstick never ever stays on? Am I doing it wrong?

Why is that so few women actually acknowledge and deal with their visible panty line? Do they think that if they can't see their behinds that their behinds don't exist?

Why is that every time I tell my son it's bedtime he retorts 'NO!'? It's not as if bedtime is a new thing - bedtime comes every night as sure as the sun setting. Why does he persist in questioning the routine of the cosmos?

Why is it that my 'to do' list is never done?

Why is it that my daughter has suddenly become extremely bothered by what she is wearing and how her hair is put up? Not to mention the Justin Bieber fixation...

Why it is that the school summer holidays fill me with joy and worry at the same time?

Why is it that I never, despite evidence to the contrary in my wardrobe, have enough pretty dresses? Did my Mother do something wrong when I was a child? Am I dress-addicted?

via tinywhitedaisies

Why is it that my work days creep up imperceptibly and so very quickly, whereas weekends take an age to arrive?

Why is it that food tastes so much better when my husband has cooked it? Am I that bad a cook?

Why is it that every Mummy day doesn't look and feel like this?

via are so happy
 Answers on a postcard... ;-)


  1. Ohhh I loved this.., how true it all is!?!?!? If you ever learn to put that kind of lipstick on you must share.

  2. this is such an amazing post...and so true too! i think each one of us can identify with most of these situations you've put up here...pretty pics =)


  3. Oh I did enjoy this....why is it...so universal.

    That pic of the girl and dog is one of my fav's.

    With the lipstick, blot with a tissue and put it on again and blot again...*wink see how you go.

    xoxo DJ

  4. Loved reading this Lou...I can identify with so much of it....too much in fact!!

    And the husbands-food-tasting-so-much-better.....ME TOO!!!!

    Have a lovely day :) xo

  5. What IS with Justin Bieber...and why is THAT about never enough dresses. I can identify with so much of this!

    Food always tastes better when we're not the ones cooking it. I just can't figure it out. :)

  6. I love your gentle musings Lou. Yes, why don't Mummy days look and feel like this???? I really would love to know the answer!

  7. A great 'Why' list. Many of which I ask myself daily. Surely only 'Mummy's Day' is like this in magazines don't they? I'd rather be blogging that's why the mountain of filing and ironing never seems to go down! Happy Tuesday.

  8. Why is it that you are so wonderful at writing everything we are all thinking? Lovely thoughts Lou - Again why is it that you live on the other side of the world and not right here next door to me? Hope this week is a lovely one for you (those holidays are getting closer!). Leanne xx

  9. These made me smile with my lunch - Thank You! I think your son and my daughter must be on the same bedtime page at the moment. And as for the pretty dress question - I think it's fair to say, that like shoes, neither you or I will EVER have enough pretty summer dresses! It is not for us to question the Fashion Fairies - they know everything! xxx

  10. These are so great! I have lots of the same thoughts- especially about the "to do" list. Mine just keeps growing!


  11. How very, very true... especially on the dresses. Strangely, I am always magically drawn to dresses in a shop or a magazine, yet I never, ever wear them and am therefore very sensible and boring and don't buy them. x

  12. Lou -I love your list - can relate to most of them & am glad I'm not the only one constantly lipstick-less and overrun with paper! Hope you are having a great week. x

  13. What a great post...so full of truth! I am in love with that last picture!
