Friday, 3 September 2010

Things of beauty...and some thoughts...

This week has been all about pastures new. In amongst some serious soul-searching and deliberation we decided to go for it and my husband accepted the new job. It was time to make the leap and it's a leap indeed, as he had been with the same company for 21 years. Man and boy. It's the same company that I work for still; think household name, multinational corporation. Before him his father worked there. Along with his mother and his brother in their time. To say it's a family institution is an understatement! So it was with a heavy heart that he tendered his resignation and we now face a very new chapter. So much of our time together is tied up in that company - strange as that may seem. Sometimes places and things can be defining.

I blogged about this decision a week or two ago (seems like a lifetime!), when the new offer was so fresh and exciting, all we could marvel at was the future. Now, with decision well and truly made, the past seems to have become very relevant and so you find me very nostalgic and pensive in this post. In corporate speak this would be described as the change curve...

Notable that even when I have known him 18 years, he still has the capacity to surprise me. When things got really tough at the end when his company were in the final (fairly ugly) throes of trying to keep him, he gathered himself up and showed such integrity and bravery in walking away. Taking the risk. Taking the road less travelled. Made my heart swell. So here's to pastures new...a different road.

You never know what you are going to get in life...

via it's mary ruffle

All you can do is try to live well, make your choices, follow your principles... ;-)

via tiny white daisies

Gorgeously casual Kate Bosworth

There has been a lot of this in our house lately...planning and re-planning, weighing up, thinking it through.

Revolutionary Road
A fair amount of this on his behalf. Posthumous portrait of President John F. Kennedy by Aaron Shikler painted in 1970.

A some of this on friend D loves this picture, it always make me think of her...'Thoughts of You' by Jack Vettriano.

Funny how I just know this about him and this week he's proved it yet again...

Sometimes you have to look through a different pane of life...

Embrace those new pastures...this is the view from the highest hill around here...


  1. Lou, just over two years ago we had to make the biggest decision of our lives and sell the family business that we were the third generation of. For us it was the best thing we ever did, even with our Iceland disaster. I totally see where you are at this moment, fear mixed with excitement. Change is good, change is necessary otherwise we stagnate. I wish him every success and I am sure it will be good for you both.
    Lovely images by the way xx

  2. So, a door opened and you decided to take a chance and go through!! Congratulations!!! It sounds like a wonderful decision. You sound like a really strong, brave together couple. Enjoy the chance...

  3. Dear Lou - these are the most beautiful images with your usual thoughtful prose...good luck & enjoy everything this change will bring into your lives. You are obviously a tenacious couple and with your support, he can venture forth and be strong. We finally made it last weekend to West Wittering - I can totally see why you are smitten! Our long term plan for living in the UK now includes a move back to the coast! Embrace change - carpe diem....have a great weekend x

  4. I perfectly know how it feels....but I'm learning against all my fears that life can surprise you a lot if you open your mind and have faith!! You're lucky to have a man like that. All my best wishes to you both and your family!!

    Zaira xx

  5. Congrats to your husband on the big change and also for having the courage to go for it. I hope everything works out brilliantly for all of you. Have a lovely weekend sweetie :) xo

  6. Any change is daunting I think, but congratulations to your husband on taking the leap into what must feel that coming out of his comfort zone and into a little bit of the unknown.

  7. I think that the decision making is the hardest part...taking that leap. Once that is done then at the worst you are just faced with a few problems to overcome, to nut out. And we do that every day. Good luck to all of you, but I very much doubt that you'll need it. And a very big congratulations :)

  8. There is something in the air at the moment Lou - sounds so exciting and I can tell this is going to be wonderful for your family! A new adventure and a new challenge - wishing you all the best of luck! So will I put the tea on - this change does include a move to Australia doesn't it?? Have a fantastic weekend. Leanne xx

  9. Change is such a scary thing when you're doing it alone, but doing it as a family always makes it feel as though you're all on a big adventure... all things can be worked out and turned around... as long as you have one another along the way... Good luck on you new adventure. Lx

  10. Change is scary but it can also be very beautiful. I am wishing you guys all the best. Have a lovely weekend sweetie

  11. ...oh i have tears rolling down my cheeks....good tears for you , your husband and your family...

    *the road less travelled* you and i are both there- in different ways...but in such similar ways...on that road...taking the risk...being braver than the everyday....
    tonight i will raise a glass of rose to you my dear friend & i will really be smiling as the world is a big place and i found a like minded soul...

    melissa xx

    p.s those photos were just beautiful...the flowers through the window , the Jack V image...and the message to live without regrets...

    i will talk with my husband about your changes and khama and the road less travelled...

  12. Good luck and embrace the change! It sounds like you're already enjoying the process and approaching it with a wonderful sense of optimism. My husband is considering a change as well, and I only hope I can approach it in the same way.

  13. Change can be frightening and exhilarating at the same time. Wishing you both lots of luck and good fortune for the next steps in your life together.

    PS - hope you can try to follow me again - not sure what the problem was the other day but it would be lovely to see your blog alongside the others. thanks.

  14. So inspiring, Lou! It will all be wonderful, I did something similar last year and it has turned out better than expected, different, but definitely better. I wish you both all the luck in the world!

  15. Dear Lou, change is very hard but I think your husband is very brave. He sounds wonderful! And how exciting to have a new chapter in your life xx

  16. Hi there Lou, sounds like it's been an interesting couple of weeks to say the least. My very best wishes for your husband in his new role. He sounds like he has handled himself with integrity.

    I loved the photo's especially the last, what a view!

    Thank you so much for your comment, I didn't realise I'd been mentioned much, how lovely...I've been so busy with the house build these last few weeks, I've not been visiting much...just a bit stressful, getting there slowly.

    xoxo DJ

  17. Congrats on taking the big step. It is scarey to make such a big change but exciting as well. The first time my husband made a huge career move, I felt sick and wondered whether it was the right move. My older sister said you only feel that way the first time and she was right. It turned out to be the best thing we ever did and each career step after that was all the easier and stress-free. Enjoy the new adventure.

  18. Dear Louise,
    It is difficult, but one never progresses without taking a few well chosen risks and, now that he had done the deed your husband will fly.
    My husband left the firm that he had worked for for a long time and started his own business....that was 30 years ago and, wth a few ups and downs has been a great success.
    Lots of love and luck to you all and look upon it as a great adventure. XXXX

  19. Lots of love and congrats sent your way! Change can be frightening and uncertain, but you will soon see how wonderful it can be too! Your husband sounds like he is definitely ready to fly and up for the challenge of pastures unknown. I have always thrived on change in my life and it has been hard, scary, but oh so worth it! Happy weekend to you! xxoo :)

  20. How exciting and terribly scary at the same time. Lots of luck and congratulations on the new chapter!

    PS: I used to love the wonder years, and of course, I had a serious crush on 'Kevin'. x

  21. Congrats Lou and family. I know it wasn't a rash decision and I'm sure it's the right one!


  22. Lou, I wish for nothing short of wonderful for this amazing opportunity. May doors lead to fantastic discoveries -- personally and corporately :)


  23. I just found your blog (have no idea how I could have missed it until now..!) and am so taken by your story and the way you write..
    The change you have decided to embrace will lead to wonderful things and I think it is fantastic that you have embraced this new opportunity. You seem so close knit and it is clear that this new road will be walked holding hands. Just think about how you at the end of your life will look back at this time and remember the excitement, the nervousness and how you both decided to really live life. The way it was intended.

    Best of luck!

    xx Charlotta
